گرایشهای نوین در زبانشناسی و آموزش زبان (جلد دوم)
New Trends in Linguistics and Language Teaching : Proceeding of ICOLLT 1 (Vol. 2)
1. Here We Shall Part; Moving Toward the Practical Realities of Foreign/Second Language Teaching/Dr. Ramin Akbari
2. An Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Internet in the EFL Reading Comprehension Classroom/Fatemeh Alipanahi
3. Geographical Border Separation Effects on Language Use (A Sociolinguistic Study on Kurdish Language, Surani Dialect, on the Two Sides of Iran-Iraq Border)/Mohiadin Amjadian & Nabi Karimi Allvar
4. The Procedural Syllabus and the Task Syllabus: The Same or Different?/Sasan Baleghizadeh
5. Researching the “Real” World: A Postmodern Approach to Research in EFL Situations/Dr. Bahram Behin
6. A Study of Khalaj Language: Variability in Pronunciation of /q/as a Sound of Its Own/Majid Fattahipoor
7. Persian Agentive Passive: An Information Structuring Approach/ Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini
8. Relative Marking Patterns in L2: A Variationist Analysis/Reza Ghafar Samar 9. Components of ESP Needs, Course Design, Curriculum Development, Syllabus Design and Materials Development/ Turan Jamshidian, Zhaleh Sefidi
10. Drug Therapy Model: A Therapeutic Approach for the Universal Classification of Language Learning and Teaching Techniques/Reza Khany
11. Relationship Between Impulsivity Cognitive Style and Performance in Factual (Display), Referential and Inferential Reading Comprehension Questions/ Gholam Reza Kiany, Reza Ghafar Samar, & Massoud Packdel
12. Focus on Form and Focus on the Learner/Parviz Maftoon, Mahnaz Saeidi
13. On the Acquisition of Pronouns and Reflexives in L1/Hamideh Marefat
14. Multiple Intelligences: Voices From an EFL Writing Class/ Dr. Fahimeh Marefat
15. The Effect of Shyness, Elicitation Task Nature on Iranian EFL Students’ Use of Oral Communication Strategies/ Dr. Akbar Mirhassani, Dr. Ramin Akbari and Nabi Karimi Allvar
16. The Ezafe Phrase in Persian: How Complements Are Added to N˚s and A˚s/Ahmad Moinzadeh
17. Task Types and Variation in L2 Learner’s Performance/ Dr. Masoud Rahimpour
18. A Study of Different Request Forms Used by Tehrani and Non-Tehrani Speakers/M. Rahmanian and Y. Pournia
19. Does C-Test Measure High-Order Processes? Evidence From Knowledge Sources Used in C-Test Taking/ Mohammad Raouf-Moini
20. Cultural Script Approach in the Description of Language: A Critical Account/Dr. R. Sahragard
21. Cognitive Processing in Bilinguals/Dr. Shahin Vaezi 22. Developing and Investigating an English Language Placement Test (ELPT) for Iranian Students at Pre-University Level/ Nouroddin Yousofi
23. Dicto-Phrase: A New Listening Comprehension Measure/Hameed Zahedi
24. L'anxiété dans le cours de langue étrangère/ Mahmood Reza Gashmardi
25. Comment analyser les méthodes de FLE/Rouhollah Rahmatian
26. « Besoins langagiers » des apprenants iraniens face aux méthodes communicatives du FLE en Iran/ Rouhollah Rahmatian,Bita Moazzami Farahani 27. La place des recherches linguistiques dans la didactique des langues/Parivash Safa
28. Jeux interactifs: lieu ultime de la communication dans les classes de langue/Hamid Reza Shairi
29. Пapeнmemuчecκue консmрукцuu в сnонmанноŭ русскоŭ Речu/Шyльcкuc Cвemлaнa Aльгuмaнmacoвнa, дoкmopaнm Государсmвенного uнcmumyma
30. TEPMИbI B ABTOMATИЧECKOЙ ОБРАБОТКЕ ТЕКСТОВ/Юрий Николаевич Mapчyκ, профессор, Московский ,Государственный Университет имени M. B. Ломоносова
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